Our Legal Name
We are the Brain Injury Network. This is our legal name. We are the only nonprofit organization in the USA authorized by our 501(c) (3) letter to use the name Brain Injury Network. Any other agency using our name is not being honest or ethical. Perhaps another organization is doing business as Brain Injury Network, but then said organization is required to say dba Brain Injury Network. It also must state its accurate name when it references its 501(c) (3) letter. We can guarantee that their 501(c) (3) letter does not state Brain Injury Network as that is our legal name, not theirs. There are many agencies using something similar to Brain Injury Network but with other words in the title also, such as "a particular state, Brain Injury Network." That is acceptable and they have that right. However, we object to any service providers who think it is ok for them to say, incorrectly and dishonestly, that THEY are the "Brain Injury Network" and that they have a 501(c) (3) letter from the IRS that states that. That is not true.