Public Policy of the Brain Injury Network
Approved by the Board of Directors 7-15-12
Mandated Medical Review of Children (Youth) Who Have or Appear to Have Concussion or Other Brain Injury Prior to Participation in or Resumption of Sports or Athletics: The Brain Injury Network supports laws that will protect individuals with brain injuries. We especially encourage the adoption of laws everywhere to ensure that children or youth suspected of having concussion or other brain injury be seen and cleared by a medical doctor prior to participation in or resumption of any sports or athletics activities. We do not believe that nonphysician licensed health care providers or other individuals who have undergone some kind of concussion “training” (examples: coaches, athletic trainers), have sufficient credentials, expertise, knowledge, or training to make determinations as to whether or not an individual with a concussion or brain injury should be cleared to engage in athletic activities or sports.
Further, in the context of organized sport or athletics activities at schools and other programs, any child or youth who is suspected of having a concussion or other brain injury must be immediately removed from the activity and the child or youth must not be allowed to resume play until cleared in writing by a physician. Additionally, parents of the child must be notified by the coach, school, or other responsible party if it appears the child or youth has sustained a concussion, brain injury, or other injury during the athletic or sport’s activity.
See also: Concussion and Sports or Other Athletic Activities